Are Shrink-Art films considered archival?

Shrinky Dink, Shrink Art Film

Are Shrink-Art films considered archival? No. Although it is pH neutral, it is not considered archival or suitable for long term archival applications. If youโ€™re looking for a good all-around archival grade film, try our <Link: Archival Duralar product line >,which meets the Library of Congressโ€™ specifications for archival polyester film. Need more info about … Read more

Is drafting film archival?

Drafting Film

Is drafting film archival? No, not really. Originally, drafting film was designed to be drawn on by pen and ink, and not change its shape over time. It was meant to be a drawing medium, not a storage medium for documents and periodicals. How will you be using this film in an archival application? If … Read more

Are Inkjet-printable Films archival?

Are Inkjet-printable Films archival? No. There are three aspects that go into determining whether a film is actually archival grade: 1- whether it is pH neutral, 2- whether or not the film will impact what it comes in contact with, and 3- whether it can be sonic-ally welded to itself. Inkjet-printable Films are all Clear, pH neutral … Read more

Are Laser-printable Films (PPC/Laser) archival?

PPC-Laser copier printable film and sheets

Are Laser-printable Films (PPC/Laser)  archival? No. There are three aspects that go into determining whether a film is actually archival grade: 1- whether it is pH neutral, 2- whether or not the film will impact what it comes in contact with, and 3- whether it can be sonic-ally welded to itself. PPC/Laser Films are all Clear, pH … Read more

Can I print on polyester film?

A roll of DuraLar Polyester Film and Sheets

There are many different grades of polyester film, and some are produced specifically to be printable, using specific methods particular to those filmโ€™s chemical properties. Grafix Plastics has a number of specific polyester film solutions for many different printing methods, both conventional and digital. Check out our polyester product pages below for more in-depth information. … Read more