How can I print on Dura-Bright™ Synthetic Papers?

Printability is one of Dura-Bright™’s best qualities. Dura-Bright is compatible with screen printing and offset lithography. Before you attempt to print on this type of material, we strongly recommend you contact your ink vendor to see what types of inks can be used with polypropylene sheets. We can even provide you with sample sheets of … Read more

Can our ComputerGrafix digital printable films be recycled?

Can our ComputerGrafix digital printable films be recycled? No, not in the traditional sense. The printable coating on these films are a contaminant that will fowl up the recycling process.

Does ComputerGrafix inkjet-printable film resist tearing?

Desktop printable inkjet film and sheets

Does ComputerGrafix inkjet-printable film resist tearing? Yes, it does, because it’s made from polyester film. However, attempting to tear it could cause damage to its functional coatings.

Is our inkjet-printable film biodegradable?

Is our inkjet-printable film biodegradable? No, it is not. The only biodegradable film product we offer is acetate film and sheets.

Does ComputerGrafix™ inkjet-printable film have good insulation properties?

Does ComputerGrafix™ inkjet-printable film have good insulation properties? Sort of. Inkjet-printable film is made from polyester film, which has great insulation properties. However, its functional coatings are not meant for exposure to elevated or reduced temperatures. Therefore we can not recommend this material for any sort of insulation application.

Do ComputerGrafix digital printable films have good electrical properties?

Do ComputerGrafix digital printablel films have good electrical properties? Sort of. Although it’s made out of polyester, its coatings are not meant for direct electrical exposure, and we don’t have any testing data on this product. For electrical applications, we recommend our Hazy DuraLar™ polyester film products. Please contact us today and we can help … Read more