Optical Displays

Plastic film is essential to the workings of modern optical electronic displays. Dozens of industries rely on Grafix Plastics materials โ€“ to protect displays in harsh industrial environments without obscuring information on the display, to make consumer products more user-friendly, to insulate electronic components, to smooth out hotspots in backlit displays, and to create solutions for numerous other functional needs.

From the simplist unicolor alphanumeric read-out (like you’d see on a copy machine) to the complexities of high-definition flat screen televisions, so many displays have multiple layers of plastic film that are part and parcel of the products’ utility.

Grafix will help you see the light!

Some of our products used in this industry

Contact us today with your optical display requirements so we can help you find the right product for any application. Use our start an inquiry form for an easy way to get started.