Manufacturers of face shields, protective wear, and other protective applications: We have the clear plastic film and sheets you need!
For over 50 years our products have been used to protect anything you can imagine.
Grafix Plastics stocks a large variety of high clarity film and sheet
- Rang of thickness: 001″ to .040″
- Clear, Matte, Colors, Opaque
- Excellent Barrier Properties
- Rolls, Sheets and Packs
- Standard Products in Stock
- Custom Sheeting to Size
- Custom Slit to Width/Length
- Custom and Bulk Packaging
Start an inquiry today and our expert staff will assist you to find the perfect materials for your protective application.
NOTE: Grafix Plastics is a supplier of raw materials to industrial and commercial businesses that are making something out of our product. We do NOT supply product to end consumers. If you are a consumer looking for our finished products please see our Grafix consumer products webpage.
Not seeing the film you need? Please contact us with your requirements today by starting an inquiry.