NEVER, EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN WITH UNPROTECTED EYES! IT CAN CAUSE PERMANENT EYE DAMAGE! Good thing you have a SafeShot! Now let’s get this eclipse party going … safely. Please follow the instructions below.
Step 1) Safety Check
Before you try and use the SafeShot panel, it’s always wise to do a safety check for light leaks.

If there is a light leak around either of the filter windows, this SafeShot panel should not be used.
Step 2) Make sure your smartphone has a smooth backside!
In order to get the best imaging possible, your smartphone should be flush against the SafeShot plate. This is what you want the back side to look like:
If your smartphone looks like these, you will NOT get good results, and you’ll have problems keeping your smartphone attached to the plate.
Step 3) Apply adhesive and mount your smartphone to the surface of the Safeshot
Step 4) Use the SafeShot with your smartphone!
This is what your Safeshot setup should look like. Before viewing the eclipse, open your smartphone’s camera app and set the camera to manual mode. You will be adjusting Shutter Speed, F-Stop, and ISO settings to optimize your image quality of the sun.
Hold the Safeshot plate at arms length, then bring the plate halfway back toward your face, until you find the most comfortable distance that allows you to see the sun both in the eye-safe window, and on the smartphone screen.
Enjoy your observations and recordings!
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More information to follow as we build up our online resources for this exciting new product. Please check back soon! Thank you for your patience.
SafeShot™ is a registered trademark of Grafix. SafeShot™ is patented under U.S. Patent Number 11,438,494.