Are our surface protection film biodegradable?

Are our surface protection film biodegradable? No, it is not. The only biodegradable film product we offer is acetate film and sheets.

Is our ShrinkArt film biodegradable?

Shrinky Dink, Shrink Art Film

Is our ShrinkArt film biodegradable? No, it is not. The only biodegradable film product we offer is acetate film and sheets.

Are any of our PVC – Vinyl based film and sheets biodegradable?

PVC Film and Sheets

Are any of our PVC – Vinyl basedย film and sheets biodegradable? No, they are not. The only bio-degradable film product we offer is acetate film and sheets.

Are any of our polyester film and sheet based products, such as DuraLar, Mylarยฎ plastic film, and others, biodegradable?

a roll of mylar polyester film

Are any of our polyester film and sheet based products, such as DuraLar, Mylarยฎ brand, and others, biodegradable? No, they are not. The only biodegradable film product we offer is acetate film and sheets.

Is our laser-printable film biodegradable?

Is our laser-printable film biodegradable? No, it is not. The only biodegradable film product we offer is acetate film and sheets.

Is our inkjet-printable film biodegradable?

Is our inkjet-printable film biodegradable? No, it is not. The only biodegradable film product we offer is acetate film and sheets.

Is our DoubleTackยฎ 2 side adhesive film biodegradable?

Is our DoubleTackยฎ 2/side adhesive film biodegradable? No, it is not. The only biodegradable film product we offer is acetate film and sheets.