Contact Grafix

Need Answers? Here’s how we can help you best:

  • Got a quick question without a lot of detail? Instead of emailing, please use the simple form below. It’s an easy way to assure we receive your info.
  • Got a lot of detail we’d need to know in order to serve you thoroughly? Use our “Start an Inquiry” button to access a question-based form that has space to add your specific details.

Either way, our knowledgeable sales staff will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

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Global Headquarters 

Grafix Plastics
5800 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Maple Heights, Ohio, 44137
Phone:  +1-216-581-9050 
Fax:       +1-216-581-9041

Are you in China, Taiwan, or South Asia?

Please contact our Distributor:

Tripac Electronic Components Ltd.
SF-1, No.89, Sec. 1, Bei Shin Rd.,

Shin Tien City, Taipei Hsien,


Mr. Nick Lung: